“A Lapse in Time” is a catchy, retro-synth and cinematic groove. It’s available on all streaming platforms. Including the big two: Spotify and Apple Music. Give it a listen and make sure to follow to keep up with new releases.
The music editors over at Headphones For Robots were kind enough to feature my single, When Androids Dream… They curate underground electronica, synthwave, dark synth and synthpop. Check ’em out and discover some new talent!
Experimenting with some rainy day inspired, generative music with iOS Xynthesizr. In fact, the music and video for this were created entirely on my iPhone. Xynthesizr running a generative sequence, SpaceCraft Granular is playing the ambient rain, and I’m doing an improv jam on Animoog. All of this is routed / recorded through AUM.
Footage was shot on my iPhone and processed with Hyperspektiv, GlitchStudio, Cinamatic and edited in LumafusionPro.
My debut single, “When Androids Dream of Sunset” is a retro-inspired nod to one of my favorite movies and composers. It’s available on all streaming platforms. Including the big two: Spotify and Apple Music.
I grew up in the 80’s listening to artistic giants like Vangelis, Peter Gabriel and Tangerine Dream, and my projects as Lux Atomic follows suit with the use of warm synth textures, mood, catchy melodies and a retro-inspired sound.
I’ve always been drawn to a more cinematic approach to my music when I’m composing. I find it silly, but it’s like I’m creating soundtracks for ridiculous movies I’ve made up in my head.
Give it a listen, make sure to follow and add it to a playlist.
Video for Into The MicroVerse, courtesy of Mike Winkleman
This one kicked my ass some. I’m still learning the ropes with the technical side of mixing and mastering. At some point though you have to just let it be, let it go and let it run. Thanks for the the watch/listen.